Saturday, August 19, 2017

My Mom, being a single parent _/\_ :)

This one is dedicated to the head of our Family, our Mom :) .

Brought up in a conservative and a wealthy family, she never thought of being an independent earning woman and hence never took the Education so seriously.  My Dad being a well educated and a well earning Man, did pretty well in the beginning to keep that Bicycle of our family moving. But unfortunately he had to leave us due to some tragedies and our family Bicycle turned into the Unicycle run by one and only, our Mom.

After loosing her husband in quite a young age,
more than just a Shock, it was difficult for her to even imagine how we three brothers should be taken care of and should be brought up. Really, it was a tough phase for us and also for her.  Thanks to her brothers who stood beside us, and helped us a lot to survive that phase. I remember, we had to sell off the Yezdi motorcycle of my dad just to get some money for our schools and household stuffs. Yeah there was a bit of help from my Dad's PF and other pensions which was like millions for us though it was just few lakhs.

My elder brother, who is equally responsible for our good condition now, also worked really hard to keep that Unicycle going and helping my Mom by even working in some Medical shops when needed. He had to also sacrifice a lot, especially his higher education as he decided to take up some clerical job in the Bank for which my Dad used to work. That was a critical thing for us! .

Its very difficult for a single parent especially a woman to take care of a Family. Especially when she is not educated enough to work independently and imagined herself to be a typical house wife always. Yeah she could have gone for some other job like working in an industry or so. But, our family background didn't allow her to do that. Especially the Family in which she grew up couldn't have accepted that. That's how it goes in a conservative society where usually a woman is always imagined to be house wife.

Having said that, I can now say that I am happy and proud to have a Mother like her who always fought with this society to bring us up and helping us get a good Education. Yeah, with the God's grace, all three of us are well educated now and are able to earn better to take care of our family. She is equally proud of us too.

Usually after the marriage and having kids, not all of us realize the responsibility of ourselves towards the family. Family is like a Bicycle in which the Father and the Mother are the two wheels of it. Both are equally important and responsible for it to keep moving with a good balance!